Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I'm just going to vent because I want to scream at the top of my lungs except I'm at work so I can't. Every little thing is bugging me, I'm not sure why. It's like when someone talks to me I want to pull my hair out! I was trying to do homework but the U website kicked me off and now won't let me back in so I'm bugged about that. I'm bugged how some people just talk to hear themselves and think they aer awesome when they really aren't. I'm bugged that I am breaking out everywhere. I'm bugged that I have about a million projects due next week and then have to start all over with another semester of school, I just wish I was done. Have you ever been so annoyed your throat itches? That's how I feel right now. And since I'm annoyed that means I'll be in a bad mood and poor Joe gets to hear it. Except he's playing games tonight, so it's me in my bed yelling into my pillow ( or pellow however you want to say it).



OK, that was better now I do want to tell this funny story ( Joe doesn't think it's that funny but I do). So on Saturday a big group of us went to the REAL SL game and before we went to Chili's to eat. Well Joe sat in between me and let's call her crazy eyes( who was with another guy). SO everyone is talking and then crazy eyes says to Joe, "is this a real REAl scarf ( while she is talking to him totally feeling the scarf, which is around him, up and down). I think you needed to be there to see for yourself, but it only gets better. So I hear her talking to him totally hitting on him and I was just like no that can't be right. Meanwhile I look across the table at my friend Heather and she is totally laughing. I KNEW IT! she totally was hitting on him. Then she proceeds to tell a story how she has a brother named Joe ( while touching him on the leg) and then looks at Joe and kinda in a whisper says I love the name Joe. I mean come on crazy eyes he's wearing a ring. I was just shocked and laughing at the same time. A couple minutes later Joe turns to me and I said hows your new girlfriend and he just starts laughing. So I'm glad he saw that she was totally hitting on him too otherwise I would have just felt like i was a paranoid wife. I wish I had a video camera because she was so obvious, I mean I even caught her looking him up and down while he wasn't watching, hence the name crazy eyes.

So after much venting and a good funny story ( if you didn't think it was that funny then just ask anyone who was there and by any one I mean Joe, me or Heather because we were the only ones that caught her) I'm feeling a little better. Maybe tomorrow well be a better day, since I'm having Red Iguana for dinner..mmmmmmmmm


Jodi Nelson said...

great story. sorry you are frustrated today. school has a way of doing that!!

Jen Coccimiglio said...

um, so what time are we meeting at Red Iguana?

And that is crazy! And what a cool story. Seriously, fajitas do something to people, especially crazy people. She seriously touched his leg? Tori, you had some restraint. I think she deserved some salsa "accidentally" spilled all over her. But, in her defense, she did have crazy eyes and is going to have them for the rest of her life.

And hey, I totally sympathize with the stress, babe. I'm sure you handle it a gagillion times better than I do, too, 'cause you are the greatest! I'm sorry things are hectic right now. Maybe you should wait to go to California until Sunday night (he he..selfish me).

Brooke and Matt: said...

I love you description of being "itchy throat" bugged!!! I get that way too- I blow up at the dumbest things. I am so exited for Red Iguana tonight! YUM

Annie said...

maybe you're pregnant

Annie said...

dude you should have taken that beotch out....let's go tp her house when I get to UT!

Adam & Samantha said...

i know that feeling of being so stressed and frustrated where anything bugs me. I usually am PMSing when that happens though. And, she touched his leg? She definitely had some nerve! haha, its sad when even the boy notices