Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wide Turn

I have come to a conclusion that I am A. the most clumsiest person and B. I am going to die from running into something have it be a knife or a desk. Every day ( and I'm not exaggerating) while at work I run into the desk corner. Getting up and leaving my desk my turns are just not wide enough and the corner gets me in the hip every time. Sometimes while walking I get an occasional hand slap against the wall.

So why have I come to the conclusion that this is important enough for every one to read? Well today topped it all. There I am just getting ready for work in the bathroom. I some how can't make the band aid wrapper ( which was needed for catching my thumb in the cheese grater) in the trash, 2ft in front of me. So I bend down pick up the trash turn my face and WHAM!! My nose goes right into the door frame. I didn't even think I was moving that fast but it was fast enough to knock me onto the floor and automatic tears. I heard the crack and everything and I for sure thought me nose was now on the left side of my face. Luckily it's not completely broken just a little bruising, but has left me with dizziness and headaches today.

I don't understand how I can hit my nose into the door frame or run into a desk everyday. So I'm thinking I need to baby proof my house even though no babies are coming. I have come to decided my turns need to get a little wider or sooner rather than later I'll end in the hospital with a concussion or some sort of broken bone.


Melody's Voice said...

I have to say I completely relate to what you are saying. I am clumsy too, soo clumsy. My family jokes it is because I fell 2 stories on my head when I has a baby and now I have a loose screw or something. I think I just try to to everything too fast which isn't a good idea, because I will louse up what I was trying to accomplish and have to take twice as much time fixing what I just loused up...i get what you are saying!

Chris & Breanne Coccimiglio said...

You are so funny! That is so funny and sad! I am sorry you hit your face on the door. I bet that hurt so bad. But you are not alone. I am always hitting my hip bone on the corner of my kitchen counter, bathroom counter, desks, etc. Oh and I always hit my face on my opened kitchen cabnets as well. It didn't knock me to the ground though. :)So I feel your pain just not as bad.;) Oh and Ya I don't like Chilis but everyone else in this world does so that is where we went. I just got soup and it wasn't too bad. It was the first time I have been to Chili's and actually ate something and didn't throw up. So thats a plus. :-)

j said...

You're lucky you don't work with Dwight Schrute...who hides knives in the desks of his office. Because then, man, you'd really be hurting.

The Alvords said...

Tor, I hit ny hip on our counter ALL THE TIME! I almost cry every time. Last week I ran into the corner of an open door with the side of my head. I hit it so hard tat I had a bruised temple and my jaw was thrown out of place for the day. My bite was all screwed up and I had a horrible head ache. The hit on the side of my head threw me backwards and I smacked the back of my head on a verticle support beam that was behind me. I had a bad day. I was so dizzy! So, I feel for you. I fall up and down stairs, I run into screens, stub my toes, drop things, and hurt myself on a daily basis. Sad story!

Wendi said...

I get huge bruises on my thighs from doing this exact same thing. I eventually got my eyes checked and my depth perseption was a little off.. which probably isn't too surprising.