Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 1

Well I have decided to give into the blog trend. I find myself daily looking at other people's blogs so Joe suggested that I make my own. I thought while my
days are slow at work I can update my blog, what a perfect past time for slow days ( which are more than few). Not like our lives are very interesting but just to keep in touch and updated to those we don't see often. Joe and I are in our 7th month of marriage and couldn't be happier. I know my parents didn't want me to marry a Utah boy because I would be in Utah for a while but thanks to Joe's love for traveling it's not like we really live here. Joe loves traveling and being married and having to have a real job hasn't slowed him down. As soon as one vacation is over he has plans for the next one. In the beginning of February we went on an Eastern Carribean cruise and now in April we are going to DC and New York we are both very excited! Well that's all for the beginning but we'll keep you posted!


Melody's Voice said...

Hey! Welcome to the blog scene! It's fun!

Julie said...

Hey chica! I love your blog! You guys are too cute! I need to give in too so we can keep in touch! Love ya!

Harding's said...

Yea for giving in to blogs!! I did it to and its not so bad. Good to hear that things are going well. You are as cute as ever Tori Beth!