Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I went from thinking about studying,to homework, to completing my health project, to eating sushi and finally ending my thought process on the Jazz. How great are the Jazz. I know some may think I'm from LA I should like the Lakers but anyone who sits and watches the Jazz play should understand why they are just so amazing. No one can say with a straight face they don't like D-Will or Milsap. It was a sad day for my mom when she heard me talking about sports and not just sports but about a team from Utah. She soon realized that I have become a Utah girl ( don't worry mom I still love CA way more than Utah!) Jazz though some times may not finish the game with a win but they are always so much fun to watch. I love that the Jazz are on KJAZZ. Joe and I don't have cable so when the Jazz play on KJAZZ i love it. Joe may not because its not high def and we don't have TV but I love nothing more than clapping and yelling at the refs on our crappy little TV. I love our Jazz nights in our sweats with slutty food to eat ( usually always pizza with some dessert). In the beginning Joe would always get so mad at the TV or if the Jazz were losing and I never understood why. I now see myself doing the same thing and it's kinda scary. Even though sometimes our plans may have to form around the Jazz games, I still loving sharing those moments together even if it is around a fuzzy little TV.


Tiffany + Jared said...

Tor you are a traitor. You know this. Lakers first, Jazz second, doi.

Brandt Lovell said...

I SO agree with everything you had to say (if you couldn't tell by looking at our page, lol)! I still love CA more than Utah too but you're right, the Jazz are awesome! It's good to hear how you guys have been. We should for sure get together soon. Make it a double date! We'd have a lot of fun! I'll call you soon, love you!

Brandt Lovell said...

And obviously Brand didn't write that, haha, I just noticed I'm logged in under his name.

Nickell said...

If you love them now you would have died over them back when Stockton and Malone were there...so good!